You know the button on the turkey? The one that pops up with the turkey is done? That is what I think of when I see dandelions. You know it's spring when they start to pop up.

And you know what that means- spring cleaning. I've never really done this before, and since I've had the time, I really put myself to work with a new vigor and new level of committment to operation "Declutter."
I used some leftover particle board to get all the spices visible:

We went through 3 years worth of magazines and tore out the articles and pictures we wanted. We organized the clippings with page protector sleeves and binders, circling pictures or adding sticky notes to direct your attention. Now, we can find the articles we liked from these magazines, and it takes up almost no room.

We have a huge "donate" pile in the basement:

See anything you like in that pile? Let me know and it's yours!
The hall closet is organized:

... and we moved the bed to hunt down the region's largest dust bunny colony (definitely NOT pictured).
It feels great to make some progress eliminating clutter. It allows us to better enjoy this neat old house, and better visualize our next project!
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