It's summer. I've been busy with zero home improvement projects. Instead, I've been sunbathing, drinking sun tea, spraying the hose for no real reason, and drying my laundry on the line (which I string between an old metal fence post and the fig tree. Classy!) Basically, I'm busy doing nothing.
We are ramping up for a few last projects, then we're going to be "done" with the bungalow. As in, we're going to stop trying to fix it up, and focus more on building the dream home. I haven't figured out a name for her yet. The SW PDX Dream Home? That's what I keep going back to. House in the Woods?
When we build the dream home, we're going to try to rent the bungalow to a really wonderful couple that has a nice dog and maybe ever a really awesome baby. That's what we'll try to do. Who know how it will actually work out. Fingers crossed.
I expect we'll be back to work on the NE PDX Bungalow soon. Maybe by the end of this month, or early next month. Maybe.
Anyway, that's it- nothing to blog about. But I'm so glad so many other people are busy with home improvement, so I can still selfishly enjoy reading your blogs, while I laze the long summer hours away doing very little.
Crazy Furniture Project
6 days ago